Liposuction in Algonquin, Illinois

Tired of squeezing into shapewear to smooth pesky bulges? Liposuction selectively removes excess fat, helping to smooth out annoying fat deposits and sculpt more beautiful contours. Read on to learn more about this classic procedure to get a sleeker, shapelier body.

Initital Recovery Time: 7 days
Final Results: 3 months

Many people have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge, despite a healthy diet and exercise. This excess fat can be frustrating, and only gets harder to shed as a person ages. If you are bothered by unwanted pockets of fat on your abdomen, hips, thighs, face or elsewhere on the body, liposuction may be a great solution for you to improve your proportions and feel more confident in your appearance.

In the hands of a skilled, experienced plastic surgeon, liposuction is a safe procedure with a surprisingly quick recovery—many patients are back to work within 1 week.

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Why consider liposuction?

Liposuction can address stubborn fat deposits that resist your best efforts at diet and exercise. By contouring and sculpting these areas, a more defined, appearance can be achieved, enhancing your natural body proportions. In general it can:

  • Correct disproportionate body fat distribution
  • Remove stubborn fat deposits
  • Improve symmetry in an area
  • Help clothing fit more comfortably and attractively
  • Improve confidence in your appearance

There are various techniques and modalities on the market to aid in body sculpting. With more than 20 years of experience performing liposuction, Algonquin board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gunnar Thors has the training, skill, and highly-developed aesthetic sensibility to achieve beautiful, naturally pleasing results with safe, proven techniques.

I couldn’t be any happier with the results! Absolutely love Dr. Thors and staff. Everyone makes you feel very welcomed. I highly recommend this facility to anyone…
-Actual Patient of Dr. Thors

Is liposuction a good option for me?

Liposuction can help you get slimmer, more attractive body contours by reducing isolated pockets of fat and sculpting a smoother shape. However, it is not a weight loss procedure or a substitute for weight loss—patients at or close to their desired body weight will experience the most satisfying results. Good skin elasticity is also key—your skin needs to contract well to the slimmer contours.

At your consultation, Dr. Thors will evaluate your needs and help you decide whether liposuction or another procedure will best achieve your goals. He spends ample time with each patient, offering his guidance and careful attention to the details that matter most to you in achieving your aesthetic goals.

What to expect with liposuction surgery in Algonquin

Dr. Thors performs liposuction as an outpatient procedure, using local or general anesthesia, depending on your individual needs. Incisions are tiny (≤ 1 cm in length), and Dr. Thors takes care to place them in inconspicuous locations whenever possible. Using a suction device and specialized cannulas (slim metal tubes), he selectively removes unwanted fat, sculpting the area to achieve a naturally attractive contour. The procedure can take 1 to 3 hours or more to complete, depending on how many areas you are having treated and the extent of surgery. Tumescent liposuction is the term used for when a diluted local anesthetic fluid is injected into the area to be liposuctioned, to facilitate the fat removal and decrease bruising.

Recovering after liposuction

Following surgery, you will be placed in a compression garment to provide support and control post-operative swelling, which you will need to wear for several weeks. Most patients return to work within 1 week and gradually resume exercise starting 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. Improvements are noticeable within a few weeks of surgery and results are final within 3 to 6 months. Liposuction results should last for many years as long as you maintain a stable weight.

There’s no need to live with unwanted fat bulges when liposuction can address them quickly and definitively. To learn more about liposuction surgery in Algonquin and the greater Chicago area, please contact us to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Thors.

Patients Love

Dr. Gunnar Thors


"I have the utmost respect for Dr. Gunnar Thors and his staff. From the consultation, through the pre-op questions, surgery and the follow-ups, I have been treated so wonderfully."

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